26 December 2008

Hiatus, Again

Well, sorry about the Lack Of Content recently. Been busy at work, and then there was a little tiff about my LJ. Seems my Chain of Command dislikes being blogged about.

Anyway, there is no indication that anyone knows about this blog, given that one of my Fearless Leader's main talking points was about how terrible it is that I have political opinions. I'm sure I'd be up on charges if this could be linked to me. I've scrubbed the profile of significant identifying information, and gone back a couple dozen posts and cleaned those up. I'll ensure that any political stuff comes back here. I took a while off from maintaining this blog Just In Case, and because I was so pissed off I couldn't see straight. Once I wrote that attempting to clamp down on bloggers will discourage those who want to play by the rules and support the Army, while providing no deterrent effect what so ever to those who want to buck the system. I'd like to have been wrong.

I'm going to have to be extremely careful regarding my identity, especially given the relative openness that I used to wear as a badge of pride and a counter-argument to those who argued that only anonymous bloggers could post without sacrificing their careers. I guess I was wrong about that. Oh, well.


Blogger Charles said...

Hmmm. I find this interesting, given that a friend at CG&S was "encouraged" to start a "professional" blog, along with several of his fellow students. And his chain of command knows that he also blogs over here.

Sounds like it's more of a stupid orificer tricks problem. But I'm an outsider, so mebbe I'm wrong.

Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas.

2:20 AM  
Blogger Consul-At-Arms said...

I guess your Fearless Leader isn't C&GSC qualified yet. Clearly not War College material either.


7:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This turn of events is like, so not a surprise.

I hope they don't slap an Article 15 at you, which is the usual reward for performance conspicuously better than superior officers (commissioned or non-) deserve - if you make a fool of yourself, that's forgivable, if you make a fool of them, it isn't. The easier it is to make them look like fools, the more true this is.

Anyway, be advised that it's not too difficult to track this blog to the originator.

Be advised that Byzantine court ceremonial at its worst is alive and common practice today.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To avoid having 'the bad guys' track this blog back to you, I suggest adjusting the registration so that someone else is shown as the owner of the blog AND the payer of the bills.

When my blog became an issue nearly three years ago, they found me by tracking the ownership. If your name doesn't show up anywhere in those records, it makes things much simpler for YOU.

12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will consider it an honor to pay your bill and still give you editor rights to this blog. We will scrub all references--direct and indirect--to you and your beloved. However, Google has a long memory and I'm not sure how effective such scrubbing will be.

I therefore propose a new blog--wholly hosted by me but with you as editor. Perhaps we could do a joint blog: your musings and mine. You and I think a lot alike anyway. It would be fun, I think. I propose the title 'Unrelated Twins'.

Just to keep this completely anonymous, I'm the guy that gave you the Chaplain books last year. I'll call you or your beloved in the next few days and discuss it with you.

WTH: it'll be fun to verbally joust with CMAD and Howard again.

Geeekazoid0 & Castrorum: Unrelated Twins. I like that.

5:08 AM  
Blogger Army Sergeant said...

Sorry you got cracked down on-also, I think cracking down on an LJ is ridiculous. Best of luck in blogging future.

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know how this turns out, I see to many *poof* disappear. I'd like to be able to find you.:)

5:25 PM  
Blogger Laserlight said...

Good to hear from you again, even if the news makes you want to take someone by the lapels and till his brain rattles.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Dymphna said...

I'd like to link to this post in one I'm doing about the retired Marine who is the father of one of the boys killed on the Cole.

This guy works at Lejeune and has been hassled about his un-p.c. bumper stickers. In fact, he was ordered by the OIC of Camp L. to remove his stickers and was hustled by some MPs to his vehicle to remove the ones the officer found offensive.

However, that wasn't enough -- he had to remove more of them. They were not moved by his argument that he was no longer on active duty and his vehicle was banned from Lejeune and all federal property -- which includes where his son is buried and the freakin' post office.

The Thomas More Society has taken up his cause, so I'm posting parts of the legal brief they presented to court in November. I don't think the case has been heard yet.

It's a civil suit in defense of this man's 1st and 5th amendment rights...

But I won't link to this if you want to keep a low profile. Let me know in an email. My contact is in the profile info. I don't want to put you at risk so if I don't hear from you, I won't put up the link.

And pls, take up anon on his offer. You're still at risk because the offendign material is cached for awhile. Don't know how long it takes to go down the memory hole.

BTW, pls visit The International Free Press Society.

That's where I got the Lejeune story. Be sure to look around, it's chock full of information.

2:07 AM  

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