A regular reader sent me a link to a post on
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller about pediatricians, based on
this article from the Boston Herald.
Disclaimer 1: I don't have kids.
Disclaimer 2: I am not sure I endorse the suggestions of shooting a nosy pediatrician. On the other hand, if I had some creep on my property photographing my (hypothetical) kids, I would take a pistol out when I went to get the film out of his camera and inform him that I was calling the police, and that the next time I saw him on my property, I would shoot him.
Disclaimer 3: I live in Texas, where it is perfectly legal to shoot folks on your property provided you have a warning sign up. Thank God for states with common-sense laws.
There's at least three major issues. One is the burning hysteria about "abuse." Child abuse,
domestic violence, blahblahblah. It happens, don't get me wrong. But I doubt that a kid showing up for a routinely scheduled well child visit with no indications of child abuse is really a high risk for being an abuse victim. Most child abuse cases in America are really child neglect, and if a kid is healthy and being taken in for routine medical care, that's pretty much a solid indicator that he or she is NOT being neglected. Of course I got asked if there was any potential abuse in my house when I want in for my appointment for a kidney infection. Never mind that a kidney infection isn't really indicative of abuse.
I was good. I did not answer, "I'm not as abused as I want to be." That would just confuse the poor girl.
Someone is checking blocks on a form, if you want my opinion. Maybe I've been in the Army too long, but block-checking neither surprises me nor terribly offends me. It's annoying and stupid, and sets the doctor in question up for
failure when done that way. But there are
arguments for and against the idea of having the parents not be in the room for a limited amount of time. I don't know for sure there.
The other is the Gun Thing. Now, don't get me wrong. There are some things that a pediatrician might want to ask about
guns. In the same sense that you would ask a parent if a kid had water safety courses, or whatever. That makes sense to me. Of course, firearm safety can't be taught without some hands-on time with firearms and more than driver's training could consists of nothing but a power-point presentation.
What really drives me up the wall is the idea of grilling about firearm ownership. Are they going to grill parents about power tools or swimming pools? Or how about the number 1 accidental death killer of kids?
"Timmy, does your Daddy ever drive too fast in his car?"
"Does your Daddy ever use bad words and flip other drivers the bird?"
"Does your Daddy talk on his cell phone while you are in the car?"
"How many cars does your Daddy own, and what kind are they?"
This trend in grilling kids about guns is apparently part of the American Association of Pediatricians'
official policy, which is to the
eliminate all guns. All of them. That's what happens when a professional organization is taken over by the Left, which wishes to reduce all those not in the "elite" to the status of serfs. And don't be confused: Those without the legal right to own and use effective means of self-defense are serfs no matter what other legal "rights" their masters choose to confer on them at the time. Laws can be revoked--guns are harder to take away. But that's a rant for a different day, no?
There are some smart docs out there, with some
good advice on
what to do when this sort of thing happens.
But I think the final word should come from a
comment to the AIR post.
"Back when I was in medical admin, releasing any private information without signed consent was an offense handled by civil and/or criminal sanctions. Times have changed and much for the worse."
"I cannot but wonder how we are any better than the old Soviet Union. Far too remeniscnet of Pavlik Morozov, the Young Pioneer brat who snitched on his father for hiding grain (during the Ukrainian famine). After he was killed by his relatives, the Commies turned him into a Soviet saint - but the Russians at least subsequently repealed this travesty after 1990. We’re still encouraging and glorifying ours."
"Maybe since that doctor is a quack, she-he-it should be boiled in orange sauce."
It's funny how much totalitarianism is defended by the allegations that things are for the "safety" of children. I for one would like to know when protecting kids from all hypothetical dangers became the sole function of society. Children buffered from adversity and danger grow up to be not terribly worthwhile citizens. Jen wrote about this from another angle, the obsession with
antibacterial everything. One of her
comments contained one of the best things I've heard on the topic.
"One of the things my mother said that stuck with me is that if a little dirt was going to kill a kid, it was better to know before you had a college education invested in that kid."
Just something to think on.